
Author | Speaker | Awakened Soul | Spiritual Teacher | Architect | Entreperneur

Raphael Jara

What is being Spiritiually Awake?
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“Spiritually Awakened” refers to a higher consciousness, a knowing that we are connected to some “thing” at the spearhead of this ever-expanding universe. It is an inner awareness that we are all part of that “thing”, and we are always connected to that ‘”thing”, even while we are on planet earth.

During my very early years in this incarnation, I became aware of many things. I knew instinctively that we did not come from this place called earth, but that we all come to earth from somewhere else, for reasons that are unknown to most. I understood that all of us are the same on the inside, but we look different on the outside and have different behaviors, mannerisms, likes and dislikes. I knew at a deep level that we were all the same, with the exact same capabilities, and that those capabilities are far greater than we realize. With this knowing, I immersed myself in supporting others to see and know what I saw and knew. This included how to make proper use of mind.

By the age of 12 years, I understood that mind was a tool, and could be used to garner information and knowledge from anywhere inside the ever-expanding cosmos. For me, answers and solutions to things just arrived inside my awareness when I needed them. Thusly, I loved solving problems for friends and family, and later, for large corporations during my years in the corporate world. Through whispers from the Divine, I understood at the age of 13, that I would one day write books that would be of benefit to humanity.

"Mother Nature embodies harmony and balance."
I visit nature often.

Raphael Jara

What You Will Walk Away With

In this book, I share some of my divine and magical experiences in hopes that you will realize the truth of our being - whom we are, where we come from, and the reasons we take this journey to the denseness of planet earth. My life has been exceedingly interesting, filled with experiences that one would consider ‘out of this world’. And since they happened here on earth, the realization is that we are not separate from life, nor are we separate from the cosmos, nor from the spirit energies that regulate our lives. We are one with all there is.

-Raphael Jara

What do people say?

"Journey Beyond Linear Time is a provocative read. Raphael describes some of his incredible experiences here on earth, which defies time, space, and gravity. The book guides us to raise our levels of consciousness so we can begin to see and understand things from a cosmic perspective. Practical knowledge and exercises are presented to assist. We learn that we can all experiences divinity as life moves with us and through us. Journey Beyond Linear Time is a provocative expression of life, love, creating our own earthly expressions, and knowing our selves from the inside. This book supports our journey to our Spiritual Self."

Angela Reeder

What do people say?

"I have bought Journey Beyond Linear Time for all my friends and family. I cannot say enough good things about this book! I encourage everyone to read it for themselves and fall in love with it. "

Terry Manello

What people say?

"The way Raphael described his spiritual journey to find himself was so captivating and inspirational. I have a deeper profound understanding of our inner selves and the spirit that resides within us."

Mary Alonso

What people say?

"Journey Beyond Linear Time was a compelling and liberating read. It helped me open up my eyes and understand that I still have so much to accomplish before I leave the Earth."

James Murphy

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